Fundus flavimaculatus

Fundus Flavimaculatus is a condition similar to Stargardt Disease but varies in its age of onset and severity. When there is macular damage, vision can deteriorate to 20/200, although it usually remains between 20/50 and 20/80. Damage to the macula first appears in the adolescent and early adult years, and the area of damage may gradually spread.

Stargardt's disease (also known as fundus flavimaculatus) is a type of macular degeneration that typically surfaces before the age of 20. This disease causes a progressive loss of central vision of both eyes, but does not affect peripheral vision. 
Patients with Stargardt's experience a gradual deterioration of the retina's cone receptor cells. Cones are concentrated in the macula, and are responsible for central vision and color. Over time, these diseased cells cause a blackened hole to form in the central vision, and the ability to perceive colors is eventually affected.

Bild på en näthinna drabbad av fundus flavimaculatus. Den ljusa punkten med blodkärl är synnerven. Den svagt röda ringen är gula fläcken. Det ljusare området runt ringen är tecken på macula degeneration.